애플의 아이폰이 23일 목요일에 J.D. Power 랭크에서 소비자 만족도 1위를 차지 했습니다.
조사에 따르면 애플은 스마트폰 사용자 만족도에서 1000점 만점에 800점을 얻어 791점을 얻은 모토로라와 781점을 얻은 HTC를 앞질렀습니다. 업계 평균 만족도는 754점이었습니다. 한편 삼성은 735점에 그쳤습니다.
Computerworld - Apple's iPhone on Thursday took first place for the fourth year running in J.D. Power and Associates' smartphone customer satisfaction rankings.
Americans are also keeping their mobile phones longer than ever, the market research firm said, and paying monthly bills 13% higher than three years ago.
Apple scored 800 out of a possible 1,000 points in J.D. Power's customer satisfaction survey, leading the two closest rival makers Motorola, with 791, and HTC, with 781. Apple's margin over the second and third place makers, however, was narrower than last year, when the iPhone beat LG and Samsung smartphones by 11 and 19 points, respectively.
The industry average for smartphone satisfaction was 754.
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