IT 소식

아이폰4 크리스마스 출시소문은 거짓으로 밝혀져 2010. 9. 24. 21:55

 인터넷에 떠도는 소문중에 스티브 잡스가 아이폰4 화이트버젼관련 문의메일에 답을 했다는 이야기가 있었습니다.
그 소문은 Nathan이 받은 메일에 의해 퍼지게 되었는데 Nathan 이 이같은 내용이 거짓임을 밝혔다고 합니다.

Hello Sebastian. The email I sent you from Steve jobs was fake. I am really sorry because I didn’t know it would get so big. I told my parents what I did and they said it was wrong then yesterday my dad read an article on fortune magasine website that was talking about the email and realized this article was based on what i had sent you. My parents asked me to come clean and admit everything was fake. I’m very sorry that won’t happen again.

해학과 풍자가 담긴 전격 스마트폰 소설 '수마두본' 3편 연재
 어이없는 창작욕이 부른 뜯어보면 재미있는 소설.


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